Keith Macpherson

Hi! I'm Keith Macpherson. Coach, Speaker, and Author. I help people find alignment and balance in all aspects of their lives. 

Overcoming Stress and Anxiety: Free On Demand Workshop!

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My Conscious Practice Yoga and Meditation

Join Keith for a series of online yoga and meditation classes to help you stay connected to your mind, body, and spirit. Free 7 day trial. 


"I have had the pleasure of working with Keith Macpherson for a number of years as he has presented at several of our GoodLife Fitness Health and Wellness Leadership Summits across the country. Keith is a professional in every sense of the word and a fantastic person! His presentations are authentic, engaging, inspiring and consistently deliver value that often exceeds the expectations of his audience. He has a special ability to present the topic of mindfulness in a way that equips leaders with practical tools to inspire the best versions of themselves and their workplaces! "

Joseph Khoja
Manager, Good Life Fitness Health and Wellness Summit

"Keith’s message inspires us all to live our best life. He is truly a voice to connect with - whether singing or speaking. He is a voice of hope for our country and world."

Tim Sullivan
Director of Publicity, Dr. Oz Show, NBC

"His (Keith) infectious personality allows him to connect with those both young and old, and through his music, humour and storytelling he has a wonderful ability to encourage people to come together as one to change the world."

Craig Keilburger
Co-Founder of Me to We

"Keith’s keynote was a unique blend of an important message with inspiring music. Keith’s performance provided a nice close for attendees – filling them with another piece to take away from the conference around their own self-care. "

Carolyn Tees
Director of Business Development, Canadian Red Cross

"Keith is a force... A true Rock Star. Keith and I first met with music being the connector. No matter the size of the audience, Keith connects. He connects with his songwriting, his musicality, his passion, and his heart. Keith believes in the power of relationships. And he loves you enough to say what needs to be said. That is more than a life coach... that is a true friend. Personal energy and inspiration combined with overflowing love and leadership. Keith. Is. Amazing"

Dave Jaworski
Author, Microsoft Secrets

"Keith is an extremely skilled life coach and has been a huge inspiration and motivator in my life. He is not one to tell you what to do through advice, rather he is a master at opening your mind to new ways of thinking about your choices. He guides you to discover what you truly need from within yourself and holds you accountable for taking the steps required to accomplish your goals."

Personal Coaching Client

"Keith is a creative and impactful yoga teacher, which I find very impressive. He has this wonderful way of making people feel heard, while at the same time sharing information that is profound and accessible. He has a wonderful way of making you feel at ease and always creates an environment for transformation to take place. Keith shines bright in our community and beyond as an inspirational leader and his yoga classes and live lectures are events that I feel everyone should experience regularly."

Ted Grand
Co-Founder of Modo Yoga International

"Keith Macpherson is an incredibly inspiring leader who is empowering people to live their best life. His dynamic personality and charisma shine through whether he is telling a story, playing a song or instructing a yoga class. I have had the opportunity to see Keith work with our audience, leaving them deeply inspired, transformed and ready to make the world a better place."

Kelly Jones
The Human Rights Commission of Manitoba

"Working with Keith has been both healing and transformational. He has the ability to hold a safe and nonjudgmental space for exploring what limits and inspires me. Using his unique skill set as a coach, Keith has helped me to access emotional, physical and spiritual pathways to better navigate my life’s journey."

Personal Coaching Client

"Keith's fresh, fun, dynamic delivery style and sense of humour kept us totally engaged. We went away with simple tools to help us gain an increased sense of focus, to realize improved awareness on how to be more mindful and to practically utilize this in our daily lives."

Janet Hill
SVP, Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc.

"Keith is truly one of the most genuine, generous, and divinely connected souls I know. His message of oneness is one he not only speaks to and writes about; it’s one he embraces, embodies, and teaches through his living, shining example every single day."

Rob Mack
Happiness Coach, Author And Expert seen on E's Famously Single!

"We have hired Keith to speak at two of our member conferences and it is an absolute pleasure to work with him. In addition to being extremely passionate about conveying his content, he finds a way to connect with the audience and move them to focus on mindfulness and self-care. I would highly recommend him as a keynote speaker."

Nicole Rutherford
Manager, Member Events & Engagement, CPA Manitoba

"Keith is engaging and is able to connect with his audience through personal stories, sharing his experiences and audience activities that allowed us all to connect with ourselves even when taking us far outside of our comfort zone.  It is truly a valued lesson to be reminded that being mindful in the present and intentional with our thoughts, words and actions will take us to where we want to be."

Pamela Harris
President of TLOMA

"Our teachers were pleased to have Keith provide an opening day keynote that helped get our school year off to a great start! Keith was down-to-earth yet thought-provoking, he had us all laughing as we reflected on our role in schools and how we can be at our best for our students, our colleagues and ourselves."

Scott Hill
Assistant Superintendent, Evergreen School Division, Gimli, MB
 Follow me on Instagram @keithmmac

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