My New Music Video Is Here!

I have been holding out on releasing a music video that I made last year with my friend Dave Swiecicki for the song, Forgiven. The song is on my solo album, Shine.

 The video is now ready for your enjoyment!

 Here are a few of my current reflections on forgiveness to accompany the video...

- I am inspired by the Mark Twain, “Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heal that crushed it”. 

 - All the pain, mistakes, regrets, and difficult feelings we hold inside from our past, keep us stuck in a cycle of internal suffering. Forgiveness wakes us back up to our eternal, inner light and reminds us that there is only love! 

 - At the core, we are all unconditional love. That is the truth! Love brings up anything unlike itself to clear…

 - Ho’o pono pono in Hawaiian means “to make right more right”. I have spent a lifetime (so far) releasing all the layers of shame, guilt, and fear to make right more right. 

-  It feels good to shed the layers and continue to dust off...

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