We are all connected through the eternal spirit of oneness. Richard Wagamese reminds us in his book, One Drum, that when we first arrive in this world from our mother’s womb, one of the first things we do is cry. We cry in our longing to be reconnected to that place of oneness from which we originated.
 I believe our life journey on the planet is to reconnect with the oneness we came from and perhaps know it more consciously in a new and deeper way.
 I believe this oneness is unconditional love.
 I was recently inspired to create a new loving kindness metta meditation to re-align with the oneness from which we all came.
 It has been proven that energy flows where your attention goes. What we choose to focus on in our mind, expands.
 All matter in our world is made up of atomic particles. If you break an atom down to its core molecular structure, 99.9999999% is not physical matter, but instead, energy..a.k.a. pure consciousness, oneness.
 When we become truly present in our mind a...
I have been holding out on releasing a music video that I made last year with my friend Dave Swiecicki for the song, Forgiven. The song is on my solo album, Shine.
 The video is now ready for your enjoyment!
 Here are a few of my current reflections on forgiveness to accompany the video...
- I am inspired by the Mark Twain, “Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heal that crushed it”.Â
 - All the pain, mistakes, regrets, and difficult feelings we hold inside from our past, keep us stuck in a cycle of internal suffering. Forgiveness wakes us back up to our eternal, inner light and reminds us that there is only love!Â
 - At the core, we are all unconditional love. That is the truth! Love brings up anything unlike itself to clear…
 - Ho’o pono pono in Hawaiian means “to make right more right”. I have spent a lifetime (so far) releasing all the layers of shame, guilt, and fear to make right more right.Â
-Â It feels good to shed the layers and continue to dust off...
1. Meditate Daily- The benefits of meditating daily include: deep inner peace, clarity, and increased joy (no matter what is going on out there!) If you have never meditated before, you can try a free guided meditation practice here.Â
2. Gratitude- Create a daily journal and make a list of at least 10 things that you are grateful for everyday. Gratitude is the law of increase and will send a direct message to your unconscious mind to be on the lookout for moments to celebrate (even in these times).Â
3. Faith- Most of us spend way too much time in our busy mind worrying, doubting, and assuming the worst case scenario. If this has been your pattern, it can change right now! Re-focus your attention to your heart centre and have faith in its guidance! The acronym for FAITH is Finding Answers In The Heart. Your heart has wisdom to share with you if you are willing to listen. It is a direct connection to your intuition, which is different than your busy mind. Take a deep breath, place your han...
Your intuition wants to support you fully on your journey through this life experience. If you want to believe this truth but have been struggling to connect… read on and find out how you can strengthen your intuition.
Last week I was in Calgary speaking for The Good Life Fitness Leadership Summit. I had a few days off to visit my family in town and especially pay tribute to my grandma who recently made her transition into eternity.
I was sadly unable to attend my grandma’s official memorial service because I was traveling abroad. Last week, I understood more clearly why.
I was woken up by an inner whisper that suggested I go for a morning jog to the graveyard where my grandparents now rest. I immediately got up and started jogging.
The air was cool and there was a gentle breeze tingling against my skin. About 20 mins later I arrived at the graveyard. I realized I did not know exactly where my grandparents were buried.
I began to walk the site and became very aware of a strong...
When I was in the seventh grade, I wanted to be an actor.
One day an opportunity to audition for a local theatre company came up and my mom agreed that I could take the morning off of school to go try out. On the morning of the audition, it turned out that my brother was ill and did not go
to school. Instead, he came to the audition with my mother and me.Â
As we were waiting in the theatre lobby for my audition time, the artistic
director of the theatre came into the lobby for a moment. After taking one
look at my brother, he cast him in the play. I was unfortunately not
To say I was upset would be an understatement. I think I hid in my
bedroom closet for what felt like a full week. Although I wasn’t aware of it at
the time, I took on the belief that I was not good enough.
When I look back on my life, I can now see how this situation was a
catalyst for my growth. Although at the time and for many years later I had
an old story that repetitively told me that I am not good enough....
Writing from 30,000 feet above the Oregon coast while having spent two days studying at a coach camp with author and coach, Robert Holden.
It was a very beautiful weekend full of seeing and being seen for who we truly are. I had a chance to reflect on what my “one big thing” is in life and what is most important to me.
After several exercises and meditation practices, I am reminded that my one big thing to remember is that I am unconditional love. When I remember that I am unconditional love, not only do I feel complete peace within me, but I also see love everywhere I go an in everyone I meet.Â
Following the training, I met up with some friends for dinner. On my way out of the hotel, I quickly went to turn off the bathroom light and accidentally knocked my arm against the bar that holds up the towels. The bar dropped to the floor with a loud THUD.Â
As I reflected on what the bar dropping to the floor meant to me, I kept hearing an inner whisper say “it’s time to raise the bar". Al...
I launched an online course on mindfulness this past November. I spent so much time working on it and invested a lot of energy and money into making sure it was put together properly. I truly poured my heart into the project.
As I came to the completion of the project and got ready to launch it to the community, I felt myself becoming more and more anxious. Although I wasn’t full aware of this at the time, I look back and notice that thoughts such as, “what if this fails”, “what if it is not good enough”, “what if not one takes the course” were playing out in my mind. There were a few nights that I could not fall asleep as my thoughts kept me awake well into the night, worrying and stressing about if I had done the right thing, if I would make a return on my investment and so on. To say I was anxious and stressed out would be an understatement. My body was tight and my mind was restless.
When it came time to lunch the initial course, I told my team, we need to recoup the investment a...
Join me in the McNally Robinson atrium where I'll be sharing stories from my book, a few tunes and some laughs.
Be sure to bring your copy of Making Sense of Mindfulness for me to sign or pick up a copy (or two) on site.
PS they make an excellent holiday gift and I'll be there to help you personalize!
This is a non-ticketed event. See you Tuesday night.
Love, Keith
The following locations keep Making Sense of Mindfulness on their shelves. The copies are often signed by me, Keith Macpherson! If you require multiple copies or a bulk order please call ahead to avoid disappointment or connect with me direct.Â
Tergesens - 82 1 Ave
Pineridge Hollow -Â 67086Â Heatherdale Road
Chocolatier Constance Popp - 180 Provencher
Float Calm Winnipeg - 337C Pembina
McNally Robinson Booksellers - 1120 Grant Ave
Radiance Gifts - 7-875 Corydon
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