The ABC's Of Mindfulness Keynote

Integrating Mindfulness Practice Into Everyday Life

In this presentation and workshop, Mindfulness coach, Keith Macpherson explores the ABC’s of Mindfulness and offers participants an accessible approach on how to integrate mindfulness practice into their everyday lives. Keith will provide many opportunities during the workshop to learn new mindfulness techniques and experience the various tools and perspectives available to assist with this practice. Through the use of The ABC Mindfulness Platform, Keith will offer you deeper insight into how to alleviate stress, anxiety and bring your mental health into a state of balance and inner peace. 
Expected Outcomes:

-Participants will gain a deeper understanding into the 3 major components of mindfulness.
-Deeper awareness and personal insight into mindfulness will be gained through various exercises including various forms of breath-work, visualization, and listening activities. 
- A new awareness of how to effectively connect and come into balance with your world.
- Individuals will learn how to practically apply the principles of mindfulness into their lives through various workshop activities.
- A deeper understanding of how mindfulness can bring more balance into all areas of your life.

Booking Inquiries

Inquire about having Keith Macpherson present at your next event and we will be in touch right away.


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